I'll Have What She's Having...
dance project
Founder & Artistic Director
Christine Colosimo
Photo credit: Elliot Gordon
Photo credit: Elliot Gordon
Mission Statement
I'll have what she's having.... dance project is a workshop for New Jersey dancers over the age forty who are interested in continuing their dance careers. This workshop is designed to empower women to dance, perform, and choreograph innovative works of dance that are risk taking. Through this project, the artistic community in which we live is enriched and enlightened.
About us…
I'll have what she's having.... dance project's mission is to engage female dancers and choreographers within our community to create and perform works of art. We celebrate Women’s History Month each year by celebrating the works of seasoned and vibrant women dance makers 40 years and older.
This project is a venue for women to continue their artistic growth, encouraging them to perform and choreograph, redefining what dance is about for women dancers in their 40’s and beyond. This dance project is a cooperative and it is expected that each participating artist will contribute her skill and talent to the technical or administrative aspects of the whole production.
I'll have what she's having.... dance project is fully supported by grants, tax deductible donations, and ticket sales. All performances, rehearsal space, and publicity is at no cost to the artist.
Joining us...
New artists are welcomed to be part of this supportive and non-competitive environment. Participation can occur in several ways, either as dancer, choreographer, visual artist/set designer, musician or technical assistant.